Styling with Victoria

Personal Stylist

I help you create outfits that suit your lifestyle using mainly what you already have in your wardrobe

What would be possible for you if you knew what to wear each morning…?

Imagine your wardrobe being filled with what you love to wear that makes you look and feel amazing…

Helping you look stylish with what you have, with what you need

You have a wardrobe full of clothes but somehow, there is nothing in there that inspires you. When it is time to get ready, you feel like wearing the same pieces without using half of what you have. You know you can dress well if you only had time for it. You tend to buy new clothes regularly but the more you buy, the more clutter you gather, and the more frustrated you feel. You love feeling beautiful and a good outfit can feel like the perfect armour for the day. If you only knew how to capitalize on what you already have...

I understand your frustration

I have been there too. I used to work in the private sector and I understand the difference it makes when you know you look great and you know you look the part. 

Whether we like it or not, clothes matter. The way we dress doesn’t only impact the way we feel, and the way we behave, but also how people perceive us. Important information is received by others just by looking at our clothes, such as capacities, intelligence, status, confidence...and we haven’t even opened our mouths yet!

The higher the position, the higher the expectations.

Wondering what to do?

Here’s an answer

And it’s elegantly simple, life-changing and most of all fun all the way… following my 4 A’s Styling process

My 4 A’s Styling Process


of who you are, your qualities, and your values. The way you want others to perceive you.


of your physical characteristics. How your body lines are constructed, and what colours enhance your natural beauty.


decluttering of unneeded items in your wardrobe, creating outfits with what you have, and adding in anything that may be required.


is documented in an iBook so that nothing is forgotten. Before vs After.

Hi, I’m Victoria

and this is my story of transformation

I was born and raised in Peru and, for the past two decades, I’ve been on the move through Europe, Africa, and Asia, building my life, my family, and my career.

It was during my years working in the corporate sector that I came to understand the power of clothing and the confidence we all gain when we know we look the part. That revelation, however, did not come without challenges. I started buying clothes with the intention of being seen and valued for who I am, but while I sometimes felt confident in what I was wearing, at other times I felt insecure or uncomfortable. Good choices often seemed a matter of luck.

Read more…

Contact Victoria to start your own styling transformation.

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Find Your Style

It's not just a matter of knowing which colors suit you best, or going shopping or decluttering your wardrobe. To find the style that truly represents who you are now in this phase of your life, you need an integrative approach. My 4 A*s process will help you create, first and foremost, a solid basis to begin your transformation by stating in words who you are, what are the values ​​you live by, and how you want others to perceive you. Only then we will create a wardrobe filled with outfits that best represent you and your current lifestyle.

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